The beleaguered Malayalam film industry faces new allegations as popular South Indian actress and BJP leader Raadhika Sarathkumar claims hidden cameras were placed in caravans on movie sets to film actresses changing clothes. The actress, who is married to South Indian star Sarathkumar, disclosed this information during an interview with a private television channel. She stated that upon discovering hidden cameras in caravans, she chose not to use the facility and instead returned to her hotel room to change.
Raadhika further revealed that several women in the Malayalam film industry have confided in her about unsettling experiences, including people knocking on their hotel room doors and seeking her help. The actress, who contested the Virudhanagar Lok Sabha seat in the 2024 general elections as a BJP candidate, mentioned that recordings of actresses were saved in separate folders on the mobile phones of the men who set up these hidden cameras. These videos were then viewed by men on the shooting sets.
The Malayalam film industry is under scrutiny following multiple revelations by women actors about sexual assault and abuse by certain prominent actors and directors. After the release of the Justice Hema committee report by the Kerala government, several women actors came forward with shocking disclosures. FIRs have been registered against well-known Malayalam actors Mukesh, who is also a CPI(M) legislator from Kollam, Siddik, Jayasuriya, Sudheesh, Edavela Babu, and Maniyanpilla Raju. FIRs have also been filed against Malayalam directors Ranjith and V. K. Prakash.
Meanwhile, Tamil superstar and South Indian Artists Association (SIAA) general secretary Vishal has urged women artistes to speak out if they have had any negative experiences in the Tamil film industry. Tamil actor and national award winner Kutti Padmini alleged she was sexually abused in the Tamil film industry when she was only ten years old. She recounted that when her mother raised concerns, they were expelled from the film set.